February Meeting Notes
Disclaimer: These notes represent my recollection and summary of what occurred at the meeting and does not purport to be a verbatim transcript of what transpired. I apologize in advance for any errors or omissions that anyone thinks are material.
Thanks to Backchannel for hosting our meeting last evening!
Membership (Join or Renew) by March 1
We had a great meeting last night. The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:05 pm. I noted at the outset of the meeting that members need to sign up to renew their membership by March 1, 2009 and that, thereafter, 2008 membership cards would not be recognized by businesses participating in the LDNA benefits plan.
Graffiti Busting Efforts
We had a comprehensive report from Sylvia Blumenthal and Kim Gutowski, the self-styled “Graffiti Girls”, regarding their efforts to document and eradicate graffiti in the LD. Sylvia and Kim have walked most of the LD and have so far documented 300+ different locations of graffiti in the LD. They have attempted to identify “signatures” and have taken photos of the graffiti. [Kim produced a very impressive photo album documenting the graffiti]. The plan going forward is to: 1. complete the effort of documenting locations of graffiti in the LD including South, Atlantic and Kneeland; 2. obtain agreement and sign-off of building owners on release for the City’s Graffiti Busters program to eradicate the graffiti; and 3. Arrange for Graffiti Busters to come to LD and eradicate the graffiti en masse --- to be done in the Spring at the earliest per Graffiti Busters. Thanks to Sylvia and Kim for their very conscientious, hard-work on behalf of the Leather District.
Stacy Mitchell - Fortune Telling License
We also had a presentation by Stacy Mitchell soliciting neighborhood support for her fortune teller’s license for an astrology business at 121 Beach Street (it would be located at the ground level unit at the corner of South and Beach). Stacy indicated that she recently ran such a business at 330 Washington Street in Downtown Boston. Stacy indicated that her business would be open from 9 am to 9 pm and by “appointment only”. Stacy indicated that while she has done some leafleting for her business previously, she would not do so for the Leather District location. With Stacy was her prospective landlord Chip Webster. Chip is the owner of the unit and read a letter of support to the LDNA. Chip indicated that he had contacted Stacy’s prior landlord and was told that she was a good tenant and ran a neat, orderly business. The proposed lease would be for 1 year.
Issues were raised regarding Stacy’s prior operations in the Back Bay. Specific reference was made to a news article in the Back Bay Sun (available on Google) that indicated that Stacy had been operating in that neighborhood without a license and that she had been leafleting that neighborhood – thereby creating a litter nuisance. Stacy disputed certain aspects of the article. A letter was read from Tina Brzezenski of Beach Street LLC. Beach Street LLC developed 121-123 Beach and 111-119 Beach. Tina expressed an opinion that a fortune teller would not be an asset to the neighborhood and that in her opinion it would devalue the neighborhood. She also raised issues with respect to Stacy’s prior operation in Back Bay.
This issue is scheduled to be voted on at the March 11 LDNA meeting.
Prior to the meeting coming to a close, an update was had regarding the status of the Thai Massage business located on South Street. I indicated that I have been in regular contact with the City and State authorities regarding this business and that we are waiting for action regarding what we believe is an unlicensed business. I also advised that I will circulate the contact information for the State Licensing board. We also heard concerns about the location of the crosswalk at Lincoln and Tufts (just past the entrance to Cmart). It was suggested that the crosswalk location is not safe and that it should be located on the South side of that intersection i.e before the entrance of Cmart and not after. Other alternatives were suggested such as placement of pedestrian crosswalk barrels at that location. Denny Ching of the Mayor’s Office indicated that the City would take a look at this issue and see what can be done.