Saturday, December 23, 2006

December Meeting Notes

We had a packed house for our December meeting regarding two important issues in the LD.

First, we had a presentation from the folks that purchased the Teradyne Building located at 179 Lincoln Street. The good news is that there are no plans to change the footprint of the building. No increase in height planned. Instead, the proposal is to gut the inside of the building, upgrade it and to create office space. A parking garage will be put in the basement. The entrance for the garage and the main entrance for the building will be on Surface Road -- not on Lincoln Street. Materials with more detail from the developer will be at Sagarino's for your review. Please do not remove them.

We also had a presentation from representatives from the MBTA regarding the proposed plan to "extend" the Silverline from Boylston Street to South Station via an underground tunnel under Essex Street. Here is some basic information for you about this Project. They would like to begin it in 2010 and complete it by 2016. It is estimated to cost $1.2 Billion with 60% of the funding allegedly to come from the Federal Government and 40% to be paid by the taxpayers of MA. The distance this expensive tunnel project will run is a little over a mile. Sounds like a Big Dig Sequel!

At the meeting, it was confirmed that the two sites that are prime targets for use as the "staging area" for the tunnel are in the LD: the LD gateway park (which is the plaza area between Surface Road, One Financial Ctr and Lincoln Plaza where the 93 air vent is located) or the parking lot at Essex and South Street. Can you imagine the havoc that having the staging area for this huge project will wreak on the LD? Not bad -- if you like mounds of dirt, trucks, lights and noise 24/7.

It is no secret that I am not in favor of this project. The impact of this new huge tunnel project on the residents and businesses of the LD, Chinatown, Downtown and Bay Village will be devastating -- with minimal benefit. In addition, we can achieve virtually the same results for this roughly 1 mile stretch through the use, and enforcement of, dedicated lanes for the Silverline and transponders that will give Silverline buses priority at traffic lights. Please note that the answer, in my view, is not to try and foist this on another neighborhood. Rather, we have to work with other neighborhoods to avoid this tunnel project. Boston has had enough tunnel projects for awhile -- it is time for the residents and businesses in the heart of Boston to heal and to enjoy the benefits from the last tunnel project (still not completed). It is not time to tear the City up ... again. If you want to help fight this Silverline Tunnel Project. Please email me at cbetke@r-c-b.com. Please make your subject line "Silverline". Or, post a comment here with your email address. We all have to work together! -- Chris Betke, LDNA Chair

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Ted Williams Tunnel Shutdown

The Ted Williams Tunnel westbound will be closed Tuesday night, December 19, 2006 from 10 PM to 5 AM the following morning.
All traffic will be detoured to the Sumner Tunnel. Motorists destined for I-90 (Masspike) West and I-93 South should keep left follow signs for Government Center and then follow detour signs for I-93 South.
These closures are to allow for pavement striping and set-up work.

Sign up for e-Traveler at www.masspike.com to receive up-to-date emails regarding traffic changes and road restrictions. And learn how FAST LANE can make your commute more convenient.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

New Restaurant (o ya) Issue

To: Our Neighbors in the Leather District

From: Nancy & Tim Cushman
Proprietors of o ya, 9 East Street
Residents of Lincoln Plaza

Re: Request for Favorable Vote at January 10th LDNA Meeting – Change Beer & Wine License to All Alcohol

Dear Neighbors,

As many of you know, we are planning to open o ya, a contemporary Japanese restaurant, in the old firehouse at 9 East Street. The restaurant is fully built out and we are awaiting our beer & wine license, which should be issued in January. We look forward to opening by early February - - of course you will all be the first to know. Thank you to everyone who has supported us over the past year.

Due to recent legislative developments in the city and state, we would like to request the neighborhood’s support for an “upgrade” of our beer & wine license to an all alcohol license.

As a higher end restaurant, the all-alcohol license would allow us to offer a wider variety of beverages to our guests. While we will remain a wine and sake (Japanese rice wine) centric concept, we would also like to be able to offer our expected neighborhood and Financial District clientele other alcoholic drinks. A full license will also allow us to compete with other higher end restaurants that have full licenses. However, as stated, our primary focus is, and will always be, the food.

The city of Boston met quota and essentially ran out of beer & wine licenses over a year ago. We have been very active in advocating legislation at the city and state level for the new licenses to be issued, particularly to small business owners like ourselves. It’s been a long, but successful, road. The beer & wine license that we are slated to receive in January is one of thirty additional licenses being specially issued to the city of Boston and targeted at particular growth areas in the city, like the LD.

While advocating for the beer & wine licenses, we have learned that we would be eligible (not a shoe in, but eligible) for one of the all-alcohol licenses that have also been added to the new license legislation.

From the beginning, we never thought an all-alcohol license would be a possibility, so our strategic and financial plans included beer & wine only. Now that we have this opportunity before us, we’d like to pursue it with neighborhood support.

Hours of Operation
As a chef-owned restaurant, we are a dining establishment. For those who may be concerned, we are not a nightclub or late night establishment. As such, the hours of operation on the beer & wine license are as follows. We would apply for the all-alcohol license for the same hours:

Sunday through Wednesday until 11PM; Thursday through Saturday 12AM

As restaurateurs, this is a logical business decision and opportunity. We hope that the neighborhood will support it on January 10th.

We’d be happy to answer any questions or concerns on the LDNA blog in the meantime.

Thank you,
Tim & Nancy

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Look out!

Beware an aggressive panhandler on Lincoln Street between Surface and Summer Streets (near the new Starbucks). He is a white male in his early 20's. He will tell you a story about how he, his wife and new baby are stranded in Boston and need money for the train back to Maine. He is very agressive and gets angry if you turn him down. What's the twist? A week later, when he gave me the same story, in the same location, I told him: "You told me this same story last week." This time, he just walked away with a defeated look. Remember, if you feel threatened by anyone on the street, just call "911".

This is a charitable time of the year. If you want to help the homeless, my suggestion is to give to organized charities such as Pine Street Inn, Rosie's Place, St. Francis House etc. -- that way you have some comfort it will be put to good use. Alas, people are not always who/what they say they are.